Sunday, May 20, 2007

Falling Off The Edge

We are born small and naked
We depend on someone
We live, learn, grow, and become strong
We start slipping
We learn of the past
To make the future better
We have fewer dependants
We want to break free
We are slipping towards the edge
We leave the house and live on our own
We forget the things we really need to know
We come closer to the edge
We loose our memories of the past
We create memories of the present
As we forget more of our past lives
We become new people
Then when we forget our family
And the ones we love
We fall off the cliff
Into the broken memories that were lost
And will always be lost within ourselves
Never to be seen again


Unknown said...

I liked this one too beacuse its telling us to never forget who we were and are and the ones who love us.good job!


thanks! i thought of a kid growing up and leaving his family and loosing a part of himself in his memories.